Worship December 5, 2021 2nd Sunday of Advent
Prelude Reading Malachi 3:1-4 (click or scroll down for text) Welcome Lighting of the Advent Candles Reading Luke 1:68-79; Luke 3:1-6 Sermon Messengers of Change - Rev. Judith Fulp-Eickstaedt Musical Meditation (11:15 a.m.) Change Ring Prelude on Divinum Mysterium ( arr. Fred Gramann) Trinity Ringers Sacrament of Holy Communion Invitation to the Table Joys and Concerns Great Prayer of Thanksgiving The Kin-dom feast is Shared Prayer after the Supper Invitation to Stewardship www.trinityarlington.org/GIVE, Text to give: (833) 940-3026 Offertory O Little Town of Bethlehem (arr. Mark Hayes) Carol Feather Martin Hymn #109 ( Blest Be the God of Israel Hymn #121 () O Little Town of Bethlehem Benediction Postlude (11:15a.m.) Now Is Born the Divine Christ Child (arr. Kevin McChesney) Trinity Ringers