Responses for English Mass with Acclamation| 08.07.24 | Practice | TLC Doha

Responses for English Mass with Acclamation| 08.07.24 | Practice | TLC Doha

TIMESTAMPS: 00:00-01:21 - Kyrie Eleison 01:22-04:32 - Glory to God 04:33-05:59 - Gospel Acclamation - I am the living bread/that came down from heaven says the Lord; whoever/eats/this bread/will live/forever 06:00-07:24 - Sanctus 7:25-08:03 - Mysterium Fidei (Mortem Tuam) 08:04-08:21 - Agnus Dei The Lord's Choir - Qatar ‪@tlclordschoirdohaqatar7754‬ KYRIE ELEISON Arranged by: Dexter de Lara Tumang GLORY TO GOD Music: Mass of Christ the Savior; Dan Schutte Daniel L. Schutte SANCTUS Music and Arrangement by: Dexter de Lara Tumang MYSTERIUM FIDEI The Mystery of Faith Mortem Tuam Amen by Christopher Fiedelan AGNUS DEI Arranged by: Dexter de Lara Tumang For Choir reference only. No copyright infringement intended. #tlc_doha #TheLordsChoir #tagalogmass #englishmass #tagalogmassqatar #englishmassqatar #filipinochoir