Banana cake recipe/ How to make banana cake/ Easy banana wheat cake #christmascakerecipe #cake
How to prepare: • I have taken here three eggs. two bananas, baking powder, baking soda, 2 tbsp cinnamon powder, ½ cup chopped walnuts. ¾ cup of powdered sugar. • I will use 1 and ½ cup of wheat flour to prepare this cake/. • First take two bananas and mash them till smooth. • Next I will take 3 tbsp of butter and whip it till it becomes soft. Add the powdered sugar little at a time and keep beating till it becomes soft and fluffy. Now add the eggs and whip for 2 mins. • Now, sieve all the dry ingredients. • Here I have taken 1/1/2 cup of wheat flour, 1 tbsp of baking powder. ¼ tsp of baking soda, 2 tbsp of cinnamon powder. • Sieve so that there are no lumps in it. Mix all the ingredients and add milk little at a time while mixing to get the right consistency. • Now add the mashed banana. Check the consistency. If you need milk you can add. • To make this cake I have used ¾ cup of milk. Add the chopped walnuts and mix properly. • Grease a baking tin and pour the cake mixture. Tap the cake tin so that there are no air bubbles inside. Now add some chopped walnuts from top. Today I will use my oven to prepare this cake. Pre-heat the oven at 280 C • Bake the cake for 40-45 mins. After 45 mins, insert a skewer and check if it comes out clean. Your cake is ready. Banana cake recipe, banana wheat cake recipe, how to make banana cake at home, easy cake recipe, banana cake, banana walnut cake recipe, banana wheat bread, christmas cake recipe, easy cake, tasty cake recipe, banana bread, walnut banana bread, chistmas recipe, bread recipe, cake recipe, banana walnut bread, easy recipe, soft and fluffy cake recipe, Christmas bread recipe, walnut, homemade cake recipe, quick bread recipe. #Bananacakerecipe #bananawheatcakerecipe #howtomakebananacakeathome #easycakerecipe #bananacake #bananawalnutcakerecipe #bananawheatbread #christmascakerecipe #easycake #tastycakerecipe #bananabread #walnutbananabread #chistmasrecipe #breadrecipe #cakerecipe #bananawalnutbread #easyrecipe #softandfluffycakerecipe #Christmasbreadrecipe #walnut #homemadecakerecipe #quickbreadrecipe