Pharmacology - Parkinson’s Disease, Levodopa meds nursing RN PN NCLEX

Pharmacology - Parkinson’s Disease, Levodopa meds nursing RN PN NCLEX

Head to SimpleNursing’s OFFICIAL website here: SimpleNursing memberships have 1,200+ animated videos, 900+ colorful study guides, 3,000+ practice questions, and more! See why SimpleNursing is trusted by over 1,000,000 nursing students. Today’s video is all about nursing interventions for Parkinson’s disease for Nursing Students and NCLEX Review. Parkinson's disease is a disorder characterized by the progressive death of neurons in the brain, resulting in low quantities of dopamine and high acetylcholine. Symptoms include involuntary movement disorders, disruption of basal nuclei (basal ganglia), and excess stimulation can affect movement and posture. The main objective of taking Parkinson’s disease drugs is to increase dopamine and decrease acetylcholine. Watch to learn more! #Parkinsonsdisease #Levodopa #RN #registerednurse