Departmental Undertaking explained in just 1- Minute || Easiest Explanation by Anshita Mam #shorts

Departmental Undertaking explained in just 1- Minute || Easiest Explanation by Anshita Mam #shorts

Class 11 Business Studies Chapter 3: Private, Public and Global Enterprises Topic: Departmental Undertaking Features: 1. Established as a part of the government and have no separate legal existence 2. Their employees are considered as Government Employees 3. They obtain their funds from the government treasury and deposit all their profits into the treasury. 4. Their funds are appropriated in the annual budget of the government. 5. They are directly accountable to the parliament for their activities. 6. For example:- Railways, Post and Telegraph departments of the Indian Government. Our videos are relevant for students of Class 11 and 12 commerce stream for cbse, icse and all state boards. Don’t forget to like, share and subscribe to our channel. Also, leave your feedback in comments and help us to improve our content. Types of Public sector enterprises Departmental Undertaking Statutory Corporation Government Company Global enterprises Public, private and global enterprises Class 11 bst ch 3 ch 3 bst class 11 Chapter 3 Business studies Forms of business organisation Sole Proprietorship Joint hindu family Cooperative society Co operative society class 11 bst bst class 11 chapter 2 Partnership class 11 bst Company class 11 bst Types of cooperative society Co operative society ch 2 class 11 Class 11 ch 2 bst Forms of business organisation class 11 Joint hindu family business class 11