अंडकोष की नसों में सूजन को कम कैसे करे | Is Sitz Bath Helpful in Varicocele | Dr. Health
अंडकोष की नसों में सूजन को कम कैसे करे | Is Sitz Bath Helpful in Varicocele | Dr. Health Welcome back to our channel! In this informative video, Himanshu Dhawan shares his knowledgeable insights on Varicocele and the myths related to it. Varicocele is a condition by which the veins within the scrotum get enlarged. Scrotum is the pouch of skin that holds the testicles. These veins are also called the pampiniform plexus. Varicocele is a condition that is similar to the varicose veins that often occur in the legs. You must have come across many myths if you are dealing with varicocele, like the idea that sitting in lukewarm water with palash flowers will cure your varicocele. However, the actual reason for relief in varicocele is because of the warmth of the water and not because of the palash flowers. Warm water helps reduce inflammation and swelling and you can observe improved blood circulation when applying a hot compress in the affected region. In this video, Himanshu Dhawan debunks the misconception about palash flowers being the source of relief for swollen testicles. The key to relief is the warm water used in the bath. If you are feeling any such discomfort, our expert team of doctors is here to help you out. You can consult them anytime. Our Team is available 24/7 for free consultation. You can also share your reports with us via WhatsApp. If you have any queries related to varicocele or fertility, you can ask them in the comment section, and we will answer them with utmost priority. Dr. Health Contact Details: Address: B-92, Sushant Lok, Phase 1, Gurugram, Haryana, Near Millennium City Centre Metro Station- 122009. #varicocelekailaj #maleinfertility #therapy #drhealth #himanshudhawan