pre market analysis trading strategy | 5 Homeworks specially for traders #trading
In this video, we delve into the world of pre-market analysis in trading. Pre-market analysis is a critical practice that provides traders with essential insights before the market officially opens for the day. We Have Covered most important topics for better preparation like option chain, support and resistance levels, how to track news, how to make your your trading plan so that you make less losses and make more profits in Trading. We'll explore how this early analysis can give traders a competitive edge, allowing them to anticipate market dynamics, identify potential price gaps, and interpret crucial news and events. PRE-MARKET ANALYSIS TRADING STRATEYGY | HOMEWORK FOR LOSS TO PROFIT MAKING TRADER | #premarketanalysis #scalping #scalpingtradingstrategy #scalpingtradingstrategies #optiontradingstrategy #tradingcourse #nifty #banknifty #optiontradingstrategy #tradingtechstreet #tradingtechstreetlive #stockmarket