NO MASS - Saturday, June 10, 2023 - 8:30 am CDT - NO MASS
Saturday of the Ninth Week in Ordinary Time ( With all the moving and meetings to prepare for the moves, I know I will not be able to make it back to the parish for the daily Masses. To give you the opportunity to view today's Daily Mass: • Tuesday of the Eleventh Week in Ordin... from Our Lady of the Gulf Catholic Church, Bay St. Louis, MS ) St. Wilfrid Catholic Church, Woonsocket, SD Online Giving is possible - https://stwilfrid.churchgiving.com ( Thank you for your continued support of St. Wilfrid. ) Bulletin for the Week from St. Wilfrid Parish - http://stwilfridsd.org/bulletins First Reading - Tobit 12:1-20 Responsorial Psalm (Canticle) - Tobit 13 ( Response: Blessed be God, who lives for ever. ) Gospel - Mark 12:38-44 ========== Heavenly Father, Send forth Your Holy Spirit! Set our hearts, minds and wills ablaze with the fire of Your Divine Love. Help us to receive Your Love, delight in that love, and then share It with others. Renew us and our diocese through a great outpouring of Your Holy Spirit as we seek to know and embrace Your Holy Will. As we share our ideas for the future of our diocese, guide our thoughts, words and actions so they are a reflection of Your Goodness in all things. May we trust and rely more fully upon You, so that Your Holy Will is accomplished in and through each of us as Your beloved sons and daughters. May we be filled with faith, hope and charity as we discern new ways to live as Catholics. Inspire us to live as dynamic Lifelong Catholic Missionary Disciples, so we can assist You in passing on our beloved Catholic faith to present and future generations. Amen. ==========