Advent Week 3, Worship at Joyful Spirit Methodist Church
Welcome to Joyful Spirit!!! We are located at 61847 State Hwy.29 Wadena, MN 56482. Sunday School for the kids is at 10:30 am every week. Study for adults is at 10:30 on 1st, 3rd, 4th and 5th Sundays. Worship begins at 11am with fellowship, coffee and goodies before and after. Come and join us!!! *Christmas Eve Candlelight Worship, 6:30 pm, Dec. 24* Pastor Ricardo Alcoser Scripture read from NIV translation John 1:6-8, 19-28 CCLI License #11472853 The United Methodist Hymnal copyright 1989 The United Methodist Publishing House “O Come, All Ye Faithful” “Emmanuel, Emmanuel” “While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks by Night” “Angels We Have Heard on High” “Joy to the World” “Why Bethlehem?” Originally written by Margaret Primrose. Adapted for this performance. Thank You for your prayers and support. They are always appreciated!!! Checks may be sent to: Joyful Spirit Methodist Church PO Box 446 Wadena, Mn. 56482 Today we lit the candle to represent Joy. Joy is the deeper feeling created by knowing God cares for us. During Advent let us remember God’s Gift of Jesus to the world because of His love for us and experience His joy in our lives.