7/23/23 - Misa en Espanol- 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time
7/23/23 - Misa en Espanol- 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time Broadcast LIVE from Sacred Heart Catholic Church - Hattiesburg, MS Fr. Ken Ramon-Landry, Pastor Fr. Tomasz Powroznik, Parochial Vicar Warren Goff, Deacon Randy Duke, Deacon Calvin Authement, Deacon Vicki Flanagan and Karyn Charles, Principals, Sacred Heart Catholic School. For online giving, please visit: https://sacredhearthattiesburg.weshar... Visit us online at: Website: www.sacredhearthattiesburg.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/SacredHeartHattiesburg YouTube: / channel Permission to podcast / stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE, License # M-401072. All rights reserved.