RDR2 - The Starting Guide To The Best Playthrough You’ve Ever Had - Walkthrough : Rockworth Edition
A Journey Through The Snow: • All Discoveries & Secrets of the Snow... Support My Work: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/rockworth and/or https://www.venmo.com/u/rockworth (All proceeds pour directly into the channel.) Join Rockworth Gang : / @rockworthrdr2 Merch : https://rockworth.creator-spring.com Welcome, fellow outlaws and gunslingers, to the ultimate guide to starting your journey in Red Dead Redemption 2! Get ready to saddle up and embark on an exhilarating quest as I show you the ropes to acquiring wealth, obtaining the best weaponry for absolutely free, and setting the stage for a successful playthrough in the untamed wilderness of the Wild West. In this action-packed video, I'll share insider tips and tricks to help you navigate the challenges of RDR2 with ease. From clever money-making strategies to securing top-tier weapons without spending a dime, I'll arm you with the knowledge and tools you need to thrive in this harsh and unforgiving world. But wait, there's more! Join me on an epic adventure filled with excitement and discovery as we embark on quests and uncover hidden treasures. With my expert guidance and your fearless spirit, there's no limit to what you can achieve in the sprawling landscapes of Red Dead Redemption 2. So grab your hat, holster your weapon, and let's ride into the sunset together. The Wild West awaits, and with our combined wit and determination, there's no challenge we can't overcome. Get ready for the ride of a lifetime – adventure, wealth, and glory await! Yee-haw! 00:00 - Introduction 01:27 - 1 Gold Bar 02:34 - 2 Gold Bars 05:40 - Cave Painting Clue (Optional) 07:10 - 3 Gold Bars 10:12 - 1 Gold Ingot 12:59 - Money Exploit 19:13 - Unlock Dual Wield 23:05 - Free Schofield Revolver 27:37 - Free Weapon of Choice 32:59 - Free Lancaster Repeater 35:05 - Free Double Action Revolver 37:10 - Free Semi-Auto Shotgun #rdr2 #reddead #reddeadredemption #arthurmorgan #gaming #ps5