Boy baby heart beat rate| Breaking old wives Myth| proof| gender prediction #ytshorts #shorts #viral
Can u predict baby's gender by their heart beat rate? Since the day I got pregnant, most of them says that u can predict baby's gender by their heart beat rate. If heart beat rate is above 140, then its GIRL If heart beat rate is below 140, then its BOY Trust me, in most of my scan, the heart beat is above 140(check the reel) but still it's BOY baby for me. So we cannot predict baby's gender by their heart beat. It's just an OLD WIVES MYTH. Yours truly, Bitmoji Mom #babyboy #babygender #oldwivesmyth #boybabyheartbeat #girlbabyheartbeat #boybabysymptoms #pregnancyjourney #pregnancysymptoms #genderreveal #genderprediction #boybabyprediction #heartbeat #heartbeatrate