Haunting Ground | Full Game | no commentary - LRPS2 RetroArch - CRT Shaders

Haunting Ground | Full Game | no commentary - LRPS2 RetroArch - CRT Shaders

Welcome dog lovers, remember to set the Video Quality to 1440 or above and click the Full Screen button. Thank you for watching! Haunting Ground (known in Japan as Demento). Played on Retroarch with CRT-Maximus-Royale shaders preset. CHAPTERS - 00:00:00 - Intro 00:05:44 - Prologue 00:25:26 - My Dolly 03:09:56 - I am Not Complete 05:38:44 - Let Me into Your Womb 07:00:56 - My Azoth 07:27:29 - It's Time To Finish This 07:56:08 - Ending 07:59:05 - Credits Roll 08:04:35 - Bonus Content