닭똥집튀김 / [대구맛집] 대구평화시장 닭똥집골목을 아시나요? 닭똥집손질법 炸鸡粪便当 Fried Chicken Gizzard 砂肝唐揚げ
대구의 명물인 평화시장의 닭똥집 레시피입니다 재료 : 닭똥집600g, 고구마 반개, 밀가루(세척용 1컵) 닭똥집 밑간 : 소금1큰술, 후추 조금 반죽양념: 전분12큰술, 밀가루4큰술, 간장1큰술, 물 반컵, 달걀1개 양념소스: 간장2큰술,올리고당8큰술,고춧가루1큰술,설탕1큰술,굴소스1큰술,다진마늘1큰술,시판쥬스4큰술 Ingredients: 600g chicken gizzard, half sweet potato, flour (1 cup for washing) Chicken gizzard ground: 1 tablespoon salt, a little pepper Dough seasoning: 12 tablespoons starch, 4 tablespoons flour, 1 tablespoon soy sauce, half a cup of water, 1 egg Seasoning sauce: 2 tablespoons of soy sauce, 8 tablespoons of oligosaccharide, 1 tablespoon of red pepper powder, 1 tablespoon of sugar, 1 tablespoon of oyster sauce, 1 tablespoon of minced garlic, 4 tablespoons of commercial juice #대구평화시장닭똥집골목대구맛집 #닭똥집튀김 #닭똥집손질법