March 20, 2023, Solemnity of St. Joseph, Holy Rosary (Joyful Mysteries) | Today at 7:30 pm ET

March 20, 2023, Solemnity of St. Joseph, Holy Rosary (Joyful Mysteries) | Today at 7:30 pm ET

Friends of the Rosary: Today is the Solemnity of Saint Joseph, spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary, guardian of the Redeemer, and our spiritual father. As we say in the prayer, to him God entrusted His only Son, in him, Mary placed her trust, and with him Christ became man. He played a critical role in God’s plan of salvation from sin for humanity. Demons flee when they see St. Joseph. Along with Mary and her Holy Rosary, and St. Michael the Archangel, we cannot have better protection. Descendant from the royal house of David, St. Joseph, an ordinary manual laborer, was an extremely humble and silent man. No words of his are recorded in the Gospels. He faithfully fulfilled his high trust of protecting and guarding God's greatest treasures upon earth, Jesus and Mary. He trustworthily witnessed the Messiah's virgin birth. He died before the beginning of Christ's public life, surely in the arms of Jesus and Mary. He has been universally venerated since the fifteenth century. He is declared patron and protector of the universal family of the Church. Ave Maria! Jesus, I Trust In You! Saint Joseph, Pray for Us! Mikel A. |, New York