what is the bangla meaning of central functions? central functions এর বাংলা কি?

what is the bangla meaning of central functions? central functions এর বাংলা কি?

central functions meaning in bangla. what is the bangla meaning of central functions? central functions এর বাংলা কি? central bank,optional money,national,functions,coventional,inside money,central,constant,token coins,legal tender,outside money,meaning,optional,definition,paper money,double counting,banking,balance,general,economics,commercial,convertible,nominal gdp,expenditure,inconvertible,macroeconomics,fiat,trade,maths,approach,friedman,redcliffe,shaw,bank,money,legal,banks,milton,tender,chicago,reserve if the video help you please like this video and subscribe my channel to get more videos👍❤