Master the Spinning Top Challenge from Squid Game
Get ready for a crucial skill challenge in 'Squid Game 2' on Netflix where mastering this spinning top ensures your survival and $45.6 Billion Won! 🎯 As a global phenomenon, this series incorporates South Korean traditional games in ways that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Just like red light green light from season 1, this traditional top spinning challenge proves that simple games can have grave consequences. 🔄💀 The spinning top, also referred to as a "Paengi" is part of the six legged pentathlon and is crucial to understand if you want to increase your chances of being rich! Will you survive and win the money? If not, stick around and I'll show you how to spin a spintop! Support future spintop content by becoming a Spin Crew member   / migbee  Buy a spin top here: https://spinaverse.com/collections/fr... Want the Spinning Top (Paengi) from this video? Check out this link below Korean Spinning Top Ebay https://ebay.us/Q4aZt5 Korean Spinning Top Amazon https://amzn.to/3DqCUPV Gear I use to for content creation https://amzn.to/3DpjbzZ Follow me on social media   / mig.bee    / mig.bee  Video Chapters 0:00 Intro 0:35 What is a Spintop? 0:56 What is it Called? 1:12 Spintop Breakdown 1:44 Spintop Comparison 2:46 What is it made of? 3:03 ASMR Break 3:07 How to prepare the spintop string 3:56 Squid Game Analysis 4:51 How to tie the spintop string 5:51 How to throw a spintop 7:30 Spintop Battle Hall of the Mountain King by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 licence. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...