American Patriotic Songs and Marches for Memorial Day or 4th of July Background Music #love USA
(PARA ESPAÑOL LEA MAS ABAJO) Welcome to my YouTube channel! Our videos offer a window into another world of relaxing music and sounds ideal for all ages. Newborn, babies, toddlers, and kids of all ages, youth, teens, Elders or Seniors in the need to relax for a good night sleep or just a quick nap. Anyone else or even your pets to keep you entertained and relaxed with a whole variety of soothing nature sounds, Lullabies and Seasonal Ambience along with other type of relaxing music, making them ideal for background TV, study, or meditation by simply listening you can get some help reducing all stress, anxiety, insomnia, etc. Whether you're looking for a compelling video for your little ones, yourself or for your pet, we assure you that you will be able to find a video with the proper sound or visuals to keep your children, you or your furry friends engaged. Let go of anxieties and negative thoughts with these soothing, smooth, and deep-relaxing sounds, visuals and calming music. If you are feeling mentally drained or stressed out, close your eyes and let the video of your choice play in the background. You can also lie down and listen to this while you drift into Peaceful Sleep. 🔔 Please subscribe if you'd like our content. 👍 Like, Share, Super Thanx, Super chat ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bienvenidos a nuestrocanal de YouTube!! Nuestros videos ofrecen una ventana a otro mundo relajante lleno de música ideal para todas las edades. Recien nacidos, bebes, niños de todas las edades, jovenes ancianos con nececidad de relajarse para un buen descanse nocturno o simplemente una siestecita. Toda persona incluso sus mascotas para mantenerlos entretenidos y relajads con una gran variedad de sonidos, y tipos de música como canciones de cuna, música ambiental según el momento ideal para un reljamiento total ideal para ponerlas de fondo en su televisión para meditar simplemente escuchando usted puede recibir una ayuda para reducir todo estres, ansiedad, insomnia etc. Ya sea que ustedes esten buscando videos para sus bebes, ustedes mismos o para su mascota, nosotros le seguramos que aqui podrá encontrar el video, música o sonido perfecto para mantenerlos entretenidos. Deje todo tipo de ansiedad y pensamientos negativos escuchando estas melodias suaves para el oido y super relajantes. Si se sienten mentalmente cansados o estresados, simplemente cierren los ojos y dejen que nuestros videos les ayuden a conseguir esa paz mental que buscan para reconectarse con la naturaleza para ayudarlos a reducir el cansancio mental, estres, y toda esa fatiga corporal que nos agobia. También puedes recostarte y escuchar esto mientras te sumerges en un sueño pacífico. 🔔 Por favor suscríbete y dale like a mi contenido. subscribe if you'd like our content. 👍 Like, Share, Super Thanx, Super chat #whitenoise #naturesounds #watersounds #love #amor #viralvideo 432 Hz - Deep Healing Music for The Body & Soul - DNA Repair, Relaxation Music, Meditation Music Beautiful Relaxing Peaceful Music, Calm Music 24/7, "Tropical Shores" By Tim Janis Sunset in the mountains and calm music. Listen and fall asleep. Reiki Timer - Reiki Healing Music with 3 minute bell timer ~ 24 Positions Alpha Waves Heal Damage In The Body, Brain Massage While You Sleep, Improve Your Memory Reiki Music, With Bell Every 3 Minutes, Emotional & Physical Healing Music, Cleanse Negative Energy Reiki Music: Universal healing energy music, reiki meditation, music for positive energy 30112R Música Para Dormir Bebés Con Suave Sonido del Mar ♫ ❤ Calmar y Relajar Música para Bebês - Com Sons da Natureza - Dormir e Relaxar Gentle Bedtime Lullabies and Peaceful Fish Animation 🐟 Baby Lullaby Mozart 🌙 Baby Sleep Music💤 Lullaby For Babies To Go To Sleep ♥ Relaxing Nursery Rhyme For Sweet Dreams Gentle Bedtime Lullabies and Peaceful Fish Animation 🐟 Baby Lullaby Mozart 🌙 Baby Sleep Music💤 Lullabу and Calming Undersea Animation 🐟 Soothing fishes 🐟 Baby sleep music 💤 432 Hz - Deep Healing Music for The Body & Soul - DNA Repair, Relaxation Music, Meditation Music Beautiful Relaxing Peaceful Music, Calm Music 24/7, "Tropical Shores" By Tim Janis Sunset in the mountains and calm music. Listen and fall asleep. Reiki Timer - Reiki Healing Music with 3 minute bell timer ~ 24 Positions Alpha Waves Heal Damage In The Body, Brain Massage While You Sleep, Improve Your Memory Reiki Music, With Bell Every 3 Minutes, Emotional & Physical Healing Music, Cleanse Negative Energy Reiki Music: Universal healing energy music, reiki meditation, music for positive energy 30112R