"Main Character: Don't Wait" (Fr. Mike's Homily) #sundaymass
We won't be able to rejoice, pray, or give thanks always unless we rejoice, pray, and give thanks now. Main Character syndrome can lead us to believe that we are in control. But there are many circumstances that are out of our control. We can often only control how we respond to our circumstances. As Christians, we choose to rejoice always, pray without ceasing, and give thanks in all circumstances. If you would like to support Ascension Presents, send us a Super Chat / Super Sticker in the chatbox or send us a financial gift ( https://tinyurl.com/2mbu7tvx ). Your support helps us provide you with the Catholic faith formation media you know and love. Thank you! If you would also like to make a donation to the Newman Catholic Campus Ministries at the University of Minnesota Duluth, you can donate here: https://bulldogcatholic.org/donate/ Finally, we also ask you to continue supporting your local parishes. Thank you and God bless you! — MORE FROM ASCENSION — 🔸Ascension’s main website: https://tinyurl.com/2morsc5o 🔸Ascension Media: https://tinyurl.com/2je37ztk 🔸The Great Adventure Bible: https://tinyurl.com/2g3bjpkg 🔸 Catechism of the Catholic Church, Ascension Edition: https://tinyurl.com/25nskztb — SOCIAL MEDIA — 🔸Facebook: / ascensionpress 🔸Twitter: / ascensionpress 🔸LinkedIn: / ascension-press 🔸Instagram: / catholicfaithformation 🔸Subscribe: / ascensionpresents — BULLDOG CATHOLIC — 🔸YouTube: / @bulldogcatholic 🔸iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast...) #shorts