The Sligo Presbyterian Church Celebration Service - Sunday, October 2, 2022
On Friday, August 12, SPC had its annual Summer Day Camp entitled “Big Heart Farms: Where God’s Fruit Grows.” During the day, the children looked at Galatians 5:22-23 and talked about the Fruit of the Spirit. Building on this theme, during nine of our worship services, we’ll consider how we can integrate this fruit into our own lives. We’ll focus on the following qualities: August 14 - Love August 21 - Joy August 28 - Peace September 4 - Patience September 11 - Kindness September 18 - Goodness September 25 - Faithfulness October 2 - Gentleness October 9 - Self-control And so, as we move into the Fall, let’s talk about how we might cultivate the most important crop of all, the Fruit of the Spirit. In our eighth service, we considered gentleness as a spiritual fruit.