11/22/20 Feast of Christ the King
No description available
20 - 11 - 22 / 20:30 h. Eucaristía / Jesucristo, Rey del Universo
"Journey through the Christian Year" (11/22/20 Red Lion UMC)
19 - 11 - 22 / 20:30 h. Eucaristía / Misa Vespertina de Jesucristo, Rey del Universo
11 22 20 Christ the King Sunday
Christ the King Sunday 11 22 20
Fr. Galen Snodgrass, Sermon, Christ the King Sunday of Pentecost, 11/22/20
Browns Chapel Worship 11 22 20
Worship 11/22/20 - Jasper Jennings UMCs
1st UMC worship Thanksgiving & Christ the King Sunday (11-22-20)
He Is King - John 18:33-37 11-22-20
Homily 11-22-20 // Fr. Tom
11/22/20, Christ the King: Prelude, "Crown Him with Many Crowns"
Solemnity of Christ the King Homily 11-22-20 (5 pm)
Solemnity of Christ the King Homily 11-22-20 (9 am)
Homily 11 22 20
Sunday Morning Worship 11/22/20
11-22-20 Parable of the Wedding Feast
11/22/20 Feast of Christ the King
Sunday 11/22/20 Christ the King Sunday
St Paul's Eucharist 11-22-20