You're on the WRONG MAIN!! - 10 Tips to Find Your PERFECT Main | Overwatch 2 Tips and Tricks
20% Off New Years Coaching Special 10 SPOTS ONLY / membership ►TWITTER: / coachmillsow ►𝐒𝐔𝐁𝐒𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐁𝐄: / @coach_mills ►𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐎𝐑𝐃: / discord ►Twitch: / coach_mills ►TikTok: / coach_mills1 00:00 Intro 00:20 Tanks 00:40 Tank Sub Types 00:52 Brawl 1:40 Poke 3:20 Dive 4:30 Rein can DIVE? 5:07 Maps Change Needs 5:50 Rock, Paper, Scissors? 6:40 Aim or no? 8:00 DPS 8:10 DPS Sub Types 8:35 Hitscan 9:10 Projectile vs Flex 9:30 Specialist DPS 10:10 Hitscans but also not Hitscans 10:40 Mechanical Overlap 11:12 Playstyle Types 12:20 Abnormal Playstyles 12:50 How to Pick Main 13:00 Expanding Your Hero Pool 13:30 Playstyle Based Hero Pool 13:40 Mechanical Based Hero Pool 14:20 New Hero Examples 15:00 Supports 15:12 Main vs Off Support 15:40 Support Categories 16:00 Main Supports 16:30 Off Supports 17:00 DPS Players Swap Roles 17:35 Aim Not Needed 17:46 No Shared Playstyles 18:20 Reddit Lucio is Off Support? 18:46 DPS Supports 19:16 Bap and Ana? 20:00 Flexible Playstyle vs Simple Playstyle 20:36 How to Choose Your Main (DPS, Tank, Support)