제임스 웹의 첫 번째 사진이 도착! (※도착이 아니었다?!) [안될과학-긴급과학]
우주의 시작으로 우리를 데려다 줄 타임머신, 제임스 웹 우주 망원경! 얼마 전 첫 번째 관측 이미지가 공개되었는데, 공식적인 사진은 아니었다?! 궤도가 왜 이런 이상한 형태인지, 지금 어디 있는지, 전원은 잘 공급되었는지, [제임스 웹 우주망원경] 근황에 대해서 '궤도'가 신속하게 정리했습니다! #제임스웹우주망원경 #JWST #라그랑주점 #L2 #큰곰자리 ◆ Thanks to Written and Directed by Orbit, 김동욱 Editor: 조주현, 서진 Reference: [1] Nariai, Kyoji "The Motion of a Particle from the L2 Lagrangian Point: Elliptic Cases " Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan 29 (1977): 263-288 [2] Palutan, F "Stability and control problems in Earth-Moon Lagrangian point L2 " Journal of the British Interplanetary Society 47 1 (1994): 497-504 [3] Sabelhaus, Phillip A , and John E Decker "An overview of the James Webb space telescope (JWST) project " Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Space Telescopes Vol 5487 International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2004 [4] Nella, John, et al "James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) observatory architecture and performance " Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Space Telescopes Vol 5487 SPIE, 2004 [5] Wong, B , and A K Misra "Dynamics of Lagrangian point multi-tethered satellite systems " The Journal of the Astronautical Sciences 53 3 (2005): 221-250 [6] Gardner, Jonathan P , et al "The James webb space telescope " Astrophysics in the Next Decade Springer, Dordrecht, 2009 1-29 [7] Dutt, Pooja, and R K Sharma "Evolution of periodic orbits near the Lagrangian point L2 " Advances in space research 47 11 (2011): 1894-1904 [8] Beichman, Charles, et al "Observations of transiting exoplanets with the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) " Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 126 946 (2014): 1134 [9] Greenhouse, Matthew "The James Webb space telescope: mission overview and status " 2016 IEEE Aerospace Conference IEEE, 2016 [10] Kalirai, Jason "Scientific discovery with the James Webb space telescope " Contemporary Physics 59 3 (2018): 251-290 ◆ Music Storm Time by Muciojad Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3 0 Unported— CC BY-SA 3 0 Music promoted by Audio Library ◆ 안될과학 인스타그램 ◆ 안될과학-모어사이언스 스마트스토어 (과학굿즈) ◆ 안될과학 문의 E-MAIL : MoreScience2018@gmail com