First time reacting to Diana Ankudiniva- In my huge city( official lyric video).
Welcome back to my channel lovelies ❤️ Greetings to all of you. Thank you all for the supports, I am grateful🙏 In this video I reacted to Diana Ankudiniva performing "In my huge city", it is a lyric video but it was so emotional 😭😭 Diana Ankudiniva is so talented and we her fans must make her known to the whole world, so I had to bring her video to reaction level and also share to the whole world. please subscribe to Diana Ankudiniva's channel, subscribe to@ammybestreacts, follow Diana up and you shall have nothing to regret 🙏🙏 Disclaimer: I am not the original owner of this video, I reacted to it to show the whole world how beautiful, wonderful and amazing it is. #dianaankudinovareactions #dianaankudinovasongs #dianaankudinovavideos #dianaankudinovainmyhugecity #dianaankudinova #inmyhugecity