20241013-1100 Worship Service - Twenty First Sunday after Pentecost

20241013-1100 Worship Service - Twenty First Sunday after Pentecost

Worship Service - October 13, 2024 (20241013-1100) Twenty First Sunday after Pentecost Sermon Series: “Gifts from God." Sermon Title: " What Makes a Wedding " John 2:1-11 By: Rev. Owen Gray Christian Copyright Licensing International, Inc. CCLI CSPL126639 Stream License Click for Bulletin: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fw3U... Click for Insert: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1f_Oi... "Chapters (Timecode): 00:00:00 Preshow (5 minutes) with Announcement Ticker 00:05:44 Announcements 00:10:32 " Call on the Water " 00:15:59 Call to Worship 00:16:53 “ When the Morning Stars Together ” 00:19:58 Call to Confession 00:21:12 Prayer of Confession 00:21:23 Silent Confession 00:21:33 Assurance of Pardon 00:21:59 “Glory Be to the Father” 00:22:40 Pass the Peace 00:23:59 “ God is Calling through the Whisper ” 00:25:57 Prayers of the People 00:28:23 The Lord’s Prayer 00:28:57 Choral Response 00:29:17 Children's Message 00:34:10 “ Blessed Holy Jesus ” 00:36:42 John 2:1-11 00:38:24 " What Makes a Wedding " 00:55:33 Pastoral Prayer 00:56:33 "The Apostles' Creed" 00:57:29 Invitation to the Offering 01:00:07 Doxology 01:00:51 Offertory Prayer 01:01:18 “ Lord of All Good ” 01:06:03 Thanks for joining us today.