CTK Service 2023-12-24, 4th Sunday of Advent

CTK Service 2023-12-24, 4th Sunday of Advent

December 24, 4th Sunday of Advent Pastor Ray Waespi, Musicians Barney Tiller, Jason Tiller, Choir, Praise Ensemble Christ the King Lutheran Church, Fremont, CA This service was streamed from CTK's sanctuary. To learn more about Christ the King, visit us online at http://ctkfremont.squarespace.com/ 00:43 Prelude - Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring, J.S. Bac, Jason Tiller on cello 08:53 Gathering Hymn - My Soul Proclaims Your Greatness, ELW 251 19:27 Sermon 35:01 Hymn of the Day - Canticle of the Turning, ELW 723, Praise Ensemble 50:56 Anthem - Love Has Come, Un Flambeau, ELW 292, Choir 55:06 Sending Hymn - Joy to the World, ELW 267 57:05 Postlude - Noel, by Louis-Claude Daquin Bible Passages Luke 1:46b-55 Romans 16: 25-27 Luke 1: 26-38