सिलेंडर चुराने वाली चुड़ैल । Bhutiya Kahani । Horror Story । Ghost Stories । Moral Story । Kahani

सिलेंडर चुराने वाली चुड़ैल । Bhutiya Kahani । Horror Story । Ghost Stories । Moral Story । Kahani

#best_hindi_stories #best_horror_stories #horror_story_in_Hindi #chudail_ki_kahaniyan #Agraexpress#Ramgarh_express#bhutiyakahani#chudail_kejaduilehenga #India_gate_ki chudail #bhutiya_train_dhaba#chudail_ki_Prem_kahani#Hindi_stories_story#moral_stories_funny_horror#stories_suspens#stories_bhooton_ki_kahaniyan #witch_stories cylinder thief witch Pot Asha - a 35 year old poor woman Pankaj - Asha's husband of 30 years Shivani - 10-year-old Asha's daughter Gopal - 60 years old hotel owner Saint narration Asha and Pankaj used to live in a hut with their daughter Shivani. Pankaj did not earn anything due to being handicapped, due to which there used to be trouble in the house. Asha used to make a living by working in homes. Once upon a time... dialogue Asha :- It's been two days and haven't eaten anything. Pankaj and daughter could not even feed anything, hare my luck! Pankaj cannot earn anything and if I earn a little, then I cannot survive in that too. narration Asha gets some flour and pulses from a house. She happily comes home with flour and pulses, but as soon as she comes home, the gas cylinder runs out. dialogue Pankaj :- Asha has come, have you got anything to eat or not? I am very hungry, I can bear it, but poor Shivani is in bad condition due to hunger. Shivani :- Mother, mother, you have come. Tell me what you have got today, make it quickly, I am very hungry. Didn't eat anything yesterday as well, can't tolerate it now. Asha :- Yes son, today I have got lentils and flour. Wait a while, I will prepare it for you now. It will be ready in just half an hour and both of you will have a full meal. narration As soon as Asha lights the stove, she sees that the gas cylinder has run out. She goes to ask for a gas cylinder from the neighborhood but no one gives her a cylinder. Nor does he allow her to cook. When she is coming in desperation, she sees a hotel. She thinks I will take some rotis from there. dialogue Asha :- At first there was nothing to eat. Now if I have got something, I cannot even make it due to the exhaustion of the gas cylinder. What should I feed to my husband and child, no one is ready to give cylinders. I ask the hotelier, do you know if it can be of some help. narration Asha talks to the hotel owner but he reprimands her and drives her away. dialogue Asha :- Sir, there is flour and pulses but the gas cylinder is over. I want to feed my daughter by cooking, but no one is giving me cylinders nor is she allowed to cook. If you give me two loaves, you will be very grateful. My daughter is very hungry. Gopal :- Na baba na, I will not give you the cylinder. The cylinder is so expensive, which cylinder I have bought and bought for you poor people only. And yes, there is the question of roti, so the Bhandara has not been opened so that if everyone comes, then I should feed him rotis, go away from here. Asha :- Sir, I am asking for my daughter not for myself. If you want to give only one roti, then it will also work, but give it. Gopal :- Go or tell you now. Get lost! I don't know from where they come with their mouths raised. narration Gopal pushes Asha and she falls on the ground due to which her head hits a stone and she dies there. She dies for want of cylinder. On the other hand, Pankaj and Shivani are suffering from hunger, whom their neighbors give food to. But both are worried about Asha. dialogue Shivani :- Papa, where is mother left? She had gone to get the cylinder, but has not come yet. It has been morning to evening, I am very much worried about them. I'll find them and bring them, you stay here. narration Shivani reaches near the same hotel looking for Asha. She starts crying seeing her mother dead and feels very sad. dialogue Shivani :- Mother, get up, don't you? Why don't you get up, look, mother, I have come. Talk to me mom Oh mother! Why are you bleeding so much? Are you all right? You talk to me, don't get up. narration Shivani keeps crying beside her mother but mother has already died. Because of Shivani's crying, Asha turns into a witch which is very frightening. She doesn't see anyone. dialogue Asha :- Today I lost my life because of a cylinder and my daughter became orphan. I will not leave this Gopal, after today no cylinder will enter this hotel. I will not even allow you to cook food in this hotel. narration Asha posing as a witch stole any cylinder that used to come there and would not let a single cylinder go into that hotel. Because of which Gopal got upset. dialogue Gopal :- After all what has been happening since so many days? Why is no cylinder guy going to give me a cylinder? I have complained to the top but no cylinder can come to my place, they say that we deliver the cylinder, so where does the cylinder go?