8:00am Holy Mass – Wednesday, February 9, 2022

8:00am Holy Mass – Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Today is Wednesday of the Fifth Week in Ordinary Time. The hymns for today's liturgy are from the Pew Missal: Entrance Hymn: (206) O God, Beyond All Praising Responsorial Psalm: "The mouth of the just murmurs wisdom." Offertory Hymn: (101) Be Thou My Vision Communion Hymns: (247) Soul of My Savior; (171) Jesu Dulcis Memoria; (122) Draw Near and Take Recessional Hymn: (95) Ave Maris Stella Join us daily for the 8am Mass (Monday-Saturday) and the 8:00am Sunday Mass live on Youtube (   / olopshrine  ) or on Facebook (www.facebook.com/olopshrine). You will be able to view the recording on our channel afterwards. Mass propers from the Ignatius Pew Missal by Fr. Samuel Weber, OSB. You can also join us for our other daily devotions on Facebook (www.facebook.com/olopshrine) or on Youtube (   / olopshrine  . For a complete schedule of livestreamed devotions, please see bit.ly/olop-online To submit Mass intentions, please go to bit.ly/olop-mass-requests To support Our Lady of Peace parish financially, please go to: bit.ly/olop-donate