How to Cure Herpes Naturally Forever || 6 Home Remedies for Herpes On Lips

How to Cure Herpes Naturally Forever || 6 Home Remedies for Herpes On Lips

How to Cure Herpes Naturally Forever || 6 Home Remedies for Herpes On Lips Herpes is a very common virus that remains in our body for the rest of life once diagnosed but still, it is treatable. There is no permanent cure for this disease but you can surely prevent the symptoms from returning back and for that, you need to do several changing in your lifestyle that we will discuss in this article. This virus outbreak often causes sores on the genital areas and mouth, it can be really annoying and painful but don't worry it really doesn't lead to any serious health complications. Basically, Herpes spread from direct skin contact with the infected person, especially during vaginal and anal sex. It also spread through kissing that's why the majority of the patients experience its symptoms on the mouth. According to a recent survey 1 in 6 Americans do have this herpes virus in their blood so there is no need to worry about anything. Now let's discuss some of its common symptoms that people with this virus experience so that early diagnosis can be made for effective treatment. Common symptoms of herpes 1. Painful urination. 2. Discharge from the genital area 3. Cold sore or a cluster that forms on lips even inside the mouth, they can be also developed on genitals and buttocks. 4. Canker sores 5. Irritability In today’s video, I would like to share 6 effective home remedies, which can help you to relieve symptoms such as swelling, and irritation at home. 1) Cold compression Cold compressions can help to reduce the swelling, for that, you have to apply icepack with a soft cloth filled with ice particles on the affected area. You need to repeat this process thrice a day for instant and effective results. 2) Baking soda Baking soda has amazing skin benefits and applying its paste can help you with itching and dry skin on the affected area. For this remedy, you need to dip a partially wet cotton ball with pure baking soda paste and then politely spread it on the floor. Repeat this at least twice a day for best results. 3) Topical garlic Garlic is popular for its antiviral and antibiotic properties and in the past times, garlic was the best natural antibiotic when there were no modern medications or there wasn't any progress in the medical field. You need to crush some fresh Clove of garlic and then Max it with olive oil to make it skin friendly and then apply this mixture up to 3 times a day for effective and long-term results. 4) Multivitamins Multivitamins can actually speed up the healing process and for that, you need to take some and multivitamin supplements. You need to make sure that your multivitamin pills contain protein and Vitamin B complex. If you don't want to use any type of supplements such as multivitamins then you need to add fresh vegetables such as cauliflower, spinner, and tomatoes in your diet that also work as an antioxidant that can actually Boost Your immune system to reduce inflammation. 5) Aloe Vera Aloe Vera has some amazing sound healing properties so it may heal the herpes lesions quickly. For that, you need to apply pure Aloe Vera Gel directly to the affected area without diluting it. There is no limitation in using Aloe Vera because it's totally risk-free. 6) Tea tree oil Tea tree oil has some amazing antiseptic and antiviral ingredients so you can apply to the cold sore or on the genital area where the virus has spread. It will speed up the healing process and it will also ease the symptoms. Final Words: Many of these home remedies will surely reduce the symptoms but still, they are not a clinical treatment for a piece of advice from Healthcare expert. If you feel that they aren't working for you then don't delay while making an appointment so that they can prescribe the best treatment for you according to your symptoms. Although these home remedies are quite safe but still if you experience any side effects then you can discontinue using these home remedies anytime. #natural_life_hacks #herpes #healthy_life