Before your feet hit the floor, surrender your day to God. His plan is greater than yours #Faith
What if today wasn’t just another routine? What if God was ready to move in your life in ways you’ve never seen before—would you be ready? Start your day with this powerful morning prayer. Before your feet even touch the floor, surrender everything to God and invite Him to lead your steps. Let the ordinary become supernatural as you walk in His presence, love, and purpose today! 🔥 Pray this with me: "Lord, this is Your day, and I am Yours! Take my hands for Your work, my feet for Your path, my eyes to see what You see, my ears to hear Your voice, and my mouth to speak life. Align my steps with Yours, and let me not miss Your presence today. In Jesus’ name, Amen!" 🙌 If this prayer speaks to you, type ‘Amen’ in the comments and share it with someone who needs it! #MorningPrayer #FaithOverFear #GodIsMoving #DailyDevotion #ChristianMotivation #LetGoAndLetGod #PrayWithoutCeasing #WalkByFaith