THE LAST OF US REVIEWED - S1/E5 - 'Endure and Survive' - The ClickerCast
Joel and Ellie's journey finds them trapped in Kansas City with Sam and Henry as they navigate around a dangerous group from the Quarantine Zone. Join us LIVE the day after broadcast to breakdown and discuss HBO's adaptation of Naughty Dog's masterpiece PlayStation game 'The Last of Us' every week on GamerGuildTV Want more gaming content? 👇 The GamerGuild Podcast🛡️🎙️ • The GamerGuild Podcast GamerGuildTV Merchandise 👔🥤 https://GamerGuildTV.myspreadshop.co.uk/ Join the GamerGuildTV Discord Community 🧬 / discord Become a Guild Hero for exclusive perks and EARLY ACCESS 🥇 / @gamerguildtv More Gaming Livestreams 💡 • GamerGuildTV - LIVE! Follow the GG Crew on Twitter 🐤 / gamerguildtv / arkanerogue / richiec89 Follow us for updates on Social Channels 🧿 / gamerguildtv / gamerguildtv / gamerguildtv https://threads.com/GamerGuildTV