How Do You Know You’re in Deportation? Understanding NTAs Brad Bernstein explains how the

How Do You Know You’re in Deportation? Understanding NTAs Brad Bernstein explains how the

How Do You Know You’re in Deportation? Understanding NTAs Brad Bernstein explains how the deportation process starts and what to do if you receive a Notice to Appear (NTA). 🚨 📌 What is an NTA? ✅ A Notice to Appear (NTA) is the document that officially starts deportation proceedings. ✅ You can receive an NTA from ICE, CBP, or USCIS. 📌 Why Are You in Removal Proceedings? Your NTA will contain one of three possible allegations: 1️⃣ You were paroled into the U.S., but not allowed to stay. 2️⃣ You entered without inspection (EWI)—meaning you crossed the border unlawfully. 3️⃣ You were legally admitted, but now face removal due to a visa overstay or criminal issue. 📌 What’s on the NTA? 📄 Lists specific allegations against you. 📆 Includes a court date & location for your deportation hearing. 🚨 What Happens Next? ✔️ You MUST show up to your hearing—if you don’t, you’ll be ordered deported in absentia, and an arrest warrant may be issued. ✔️ With a good lawyer, you may be able to beat the case! There are many legal defenses that could allow you to stay. 📢 Bottom line: If you get an NTA, take it seriously and get legal help ASAP! Facing deportation? Contact us today—our link is in our bio on the homepage! #DeportationDefense #NoticeToAppear #ImmigrationLaw #BradBernstein #USImmigration #KnowYourRights #RemovalProceedings #ImmigrationHelp SuperLawyer Brad Bernstein has helped over 100,000 people with their immigration issues throughout his thirty plus year career in immigration law. Many with the most complex and difficult issues. To contact Brad to help you, call Law Offices of Spar & Bernstein at 1-800-529-5465 (international 1-212-227-8933) or copy and paste the following URL in your broswer, and complete the "contact us" form. Brad accepts complex US immigration law cases from all 50 states and around the world. Brad Is President and Managing Partner of the Law Offices of Spar & Bernstein located at 225 Broadway, 5th Floor, NY, NY 10007. Prior Successful Results Do Not Guarantee A Similar Outcome.