2 Corinthians 3 (15-16) | Christian Bible Reading (ASMR)
CHRISTIAN BIBLE READING (ASMR) - 2 Corinthians 3 (15-16) - ASMR whisper BIBLE READING - Christian Bible reading ASMR for sleep, peace, anxiety, rest, relaxation, joy, hope! Whispering the book of 2 Corinthians for comfort and joy! Tingly ASMR whispering up close. 16 But whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. 17 Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. Donations appreciated: venmo.com @bonniejames1405 Enjoy my second channel / @bjcarnivore #readingthebookof2corinthians #2corinthians3 #christianbiblereading #corinthians #enduring #audiobible #asmr #asmrforpeace #asmrforanxiety #asmrforsleep #comfortandjoyasmr #comfortandjoy #jesus #god #bible #thebible #biblereading #biblereadaloud bible verses for anxiety,bible verses,bible verses on faith,bible verse,bible verses for strength and peace of mind,bible verse for strength and courage,bible verses for sleep,bible verses for protection,psalms,bible verses for healing,bible verses for anxiety and worry,bible verses for anxiety asmr,bible verse of the day encouragement,asmr reading you to sleep,reading the bible asmr,asmr soft spoken personal attention,bible study for women,2 corinthians 3