Sunday Mass Readings and Gospel Reflections - August 4, 2024 (Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time)
Catholic Mass Readings and reflections for August 4, 2024 (Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time) Catholic Mass Readings and Gospel Reflections are brought to you by Missionaries of Christ YouTube Channel. Subscribe to receive these videos every Sunday. May these videos uploaded every week bring you blessing by God's mercy and grace. In this video, you will find: -The First Reading -The Second Reading -Gospel Reading -Reflections Reflections When we pray the Lord’s Prayer, we ask God for our daily bread. We need food for our earthly bodies each day, and this we ask from our Father in heaven. But there is another bread that we need, the bread that feeds not only our physical bodies, but our souls. This is Jesus, the Bread of Life. Jesus alone can fully satisfy the hunger of our souls. Without Him, even if we are full with earthly food, we will never be satisfied. With Jesus, we find the One we have been looking for. The One who will forgive our sins, the One who can heal us, and the One who can give us everlasting joy! Whenever we attend mass and receive the Eucharist, we are receiving Jesus Himself. He is the One who strengthens our souls and nourishes it. With Him, we overcome the weaknesses of the flesh and draw closer to holiness and love. Subscribe to Missionaries of Christ / @missionariesofchrist You may also want to see the devotional book "366 DAYS OF COMPASSION" https://www.amazon.com/dp/B074Z5ZK4M #massreading #massreadingsfortoday #sundaymass #gospelreading #gospelreflection #catholicchurch #catholic