FBC Martinsville First Sunday After Christmas, December 26, 2021

FBC Martinsville First Sunday After Christmas, December 26, 2021

Join Us for a Service of Worship Sunday, December 26, 2021 First Sunday after Christmas FBC Sanctuary OR Virtual Worship Facebook Live & YouTube Live Scripture includes: 1 Samuel 2:18-20, 26 and Luke 2:41-52          Guest Preacher Rev. Keith Spangenberg will preach a sermon entitled, "Some Assembly Required" We welcome Rev. Keith Spangenberg as our guest preacher in worship. Rev. Spangenberg was raised in Orlando, FL where he met Susan, who would become his wife following his graduation from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1977. After 20 years of active duty, Keith accepted a call upon his life for fulltime gospel ministry. He served as Associate Pastor to Senior Adults at Tabernacle Baptist Church while attending Baptist Theological Seminary in Richmond, VA. Villa Heights Baptist Church called him to be their pastor in 2000, where he served for 18 years. Since then, he has served as interim pastor for Broad Street Christian Church and filled the pulpit for several of our HCBA churches. Rev. Spangenberg continues to be active in the Henry County Baptist Association and the Martinsville/Henry County Ministerial Association. His wife, Rev. Susan Spangenberg, is pastor at Pocahontas Bassett Baptist Church. Today is the First Sunday After Christmas in the Christian year. The season of Christmastide is a twelve-day celebration of the birth of Christ, beginning on Christmas Day and lasting until January 5. It is primarily a celebration of God’s incarnation. The liturgical color white is used symbolic of the purity of Christ. Our Bulletin art is original work by Baptist minister Suzanne L. Vision. You can find more of her work or order her art at www.silvertreeart.com