Anniversary Special: The Strongest Battlegrounds - All Movesets | Stick Nodes Pro (REWORK & UPDATED)
Credits to: Paul Owen Music - / @paulowenmusic PokéMixr92 - / @pokemixr92 Erick Aleixo - / @erickaleixomusic karmic animates (Gojo’s KitKat sprite) - / @deathninja8402 A-One - / @a-one E-ZUKA | - Music Used: Saitama: • One Punch Man OST NEVER END Epic Rock... Garou (base): • One Punch Man S2 - Garou's Theme (HQ ... Garou (ult): • One Punch Man OST I'M A MONSTER (Garo... Genos (base): • The Cyborg Fights ONE PUNCH MAN OST (... Genos (ult): • One Punch Man OST GENOS THEME Hybrid ... Sonic: • Speed o' Sound Sonic Theme ONE PUNCH ... Metal Bat (base): • One Punch Man OST METAL BAT Epic Cover Metal Bat (ult): • Iron Will (The Strongest Battleground... Atomic Samurai (base): • Atomic Samurai Theme TSB Concept Epic... Atomic Samurai (ult): • Atomic Fury (Atomic Samurai ULT) THE ... Tatsumaki (base): • One Punch Man TENSE HQ Epic Rock Cover Tatsumaki (ult): • Raging Tempest: The Strongest Battleg... Gojo: • Hollow Purple JUJUTSU KAISEN OST Gojo... KJ (1): • E-ZUKA - Vital Mission In The Spanis... KJ (2): • God only knows Tags (ignore): #fist #blademaster #combo #cyborg #fire #hero #opm #thestrongestbattlegrounds #tsb #tornado #fyp #stickman #punch #flame #fire #burn #meteor #rock #sticknodes #sticknodespro #sticknodesproanimation #animation #moveset #showcase #strongesthero #herohunter #destructivecyborg #deadlyninja #brutaldemon #wildpsychic #thefinalride #sorcerer #normalpunch #consecutive #shove #uppercut #deathcounter #tableflip #seriouspunch #omnidirectional #flowingwater #lethal #whirlwind #stream #hunter #grasp #prey #peril #rampage #thefinal #hunt #rocksplittingfist #crushedrock #machinegun #blows #ignition #burst #blitz #shot #jet #dive #thunder #kick #speedblitz #dropkick #cannon #incinerate #flash #scatter #shuriken #speed #sonic #rush #straight #on #carnage #four #homerun #beatdown #grandslam #foulball #savage #strength #difference #deathblow #cascade #atmos #cleave #pinpoint #splitsecond #sunset #sunrise #crush #pull #coffin Please do not reuse my video unless you have my permission to do so. Saitama: 0:00 Garou: 1:35 Genos: 3:00 Sonic: 4:24 Metal Bat: 5:42 Atomic Samurai: 8:21 Tatsumaki: 9:59 Gojo: 12:06 KJ: 13:10