June 7, 2020 - Part 8 / 9  Sending Song

June 7, 2020 - Part 8 / 9 Sending Song

Holy Trinity Sunday Sending Song: Holy God, We Praise Your Name 1 Holy God, we praise your name; Lord of all, we bow before you. All on earth your scepter claim, all in heav'n above adore you. Infinite your vast domain, everlasting is your reign. 2 Hark! The glad celestial hymn angel choirs above are raising; cherubim and seraphim, in unceasing chorus praising, fill the heav'ns with sweet accord: "Holy, holy, holy Lord!" 3 Lo, the apostolic train join your sacred name to hallow; prophets swell the glad refrain, and the white-robed martyrs follow; and from morn to set of sun through the church the song goes on. 4 Holy Father, holy Son, Holy Spirit, three we name you, though in essence only one; undivided God we claim you and, adoring, bend the knee while we own the mystery. Text: source unknown; tr. Clarence A. Walworth, 1820-1900 (Singers: Judy McPhail, Holly McPhail, Heidi Jones, Nakita Jones, Hope Chowanski, Nick Cotsonis, Chad Adamik) NEED A WORSHIP BOOKLET? Booklets are available on St. Paul's website. Simply 'pause' this video, and visit www.stpaulsluthfamily.com/worship/worship-booklet Next, look for the 'June 7' Worship & Announcement Booklet