Sparking Zero Randomizer but I CRASHED OUT...
So i randomized my team on online ranked in Sparking! Zero and uhhhh... it went pretty well? Watch the video to find out! 🍅Use code 'DIDDY' for 10% off🍅 https://gamersupps.gg/diddy Twitch: / diddysauce Discord: / discord Twitter: / diddysaucee Other Sparking Zero Creators: AfroSenju: How To Never Lose In Dragon Ball Sparking Zero Ranked Again • How To Never Lose In Dragon Ball Spar... Rhymestyle: I Fought A Z-Rank Player in Dragon Ball Sparking Zero (1000+ Hours) • I Fought A Z-Rank Player in Dragon Ba... Dotodoya: Fused Zamasu VS Sparking Zero • Fused Zamasu VS Sparking Zero ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sparking Zero Randomizer but I CRASHED OUT... Online Ranked but I RANDOMIZED my team again... Online Ranked but I RANDOMIZED my team... I Hosted a RANDOMIZED Tournament in Sparking! Zero The Entire Goku Black Storyline - Dragon Ball Sparking! Zero What If The Entire Goku Storyline - Dragon Ball Sparking! Zero What If Dragon Ball Super WHAT IF - Sparking! Zero What If Story Mode WHAT IF Namek Saga - Sparking! Zero Story Mode Sparking! Zero Story Mode Changes EVERYTHING!! SPARKING ZERO IS HERE!! Ranking EVERY Sparking Zero Character NEW Dragon Ball Sparking ZERO Character Details Revealed! FULL ROSTER REVEAL REACTION - Dragon Ball Sparking Zero Reaction Trailer GT CONFIRMED IN SPARKING ZERO REVEAL REACTION - Dragon Ball Sparking Zero Reaction Trailer CELL SAGA REVEAL REACTION - DRAGON BALL SPARKING ZERO REACTION SPARKING ZERO RELEASE DATE REACTION TRAILER DRAGON BALL GOGETA AND VEGITO BLUE SPARKING ZERO TRAILER REACTION!! NEW CHARACTER REVEALS AND GAMEPLAY REACTION!!! (Dragon Ball Sparking Zero!!) NEW SPARKING ZERO GAMEPLAY REACTION (Dragon Ball Sparking Zero!!) Budokai Tenkaichi 4 Gameplay Reveal REACTION (Dragon Ball Sparking Zero!!) NEW BEAST GOHAN, SSBK GOKU and SSBE Vegeta REACTION in Dragon Ball Legends Festival 2023! NEW LF Super Gogeta REACTION in Dragon Ball Legends! NEW ULTRA Super Janemba REACTION in Dragon Ball Legends! NEW LF Super Saiyan Goku REACTION in Dragon Ball Legends! NEW Ginyu Force Reaction in Dragon Ball Legends! NEW ULTRA Vegito Blue Reveal Reaction 5th Anniversary of Dragon Ball Legends! NEW LF Orange Piccolo & Cell MAX Reveal Reaction 5th Anniversary of Dragon Ball Legends! Anniversary = Dragon Ball Legends Character Dragon Ball Legends 5th Anniversary Type = Dragon Ball Legends Character Alphabet = Dragon Ball Legends Character Tag = Dragon Ball Legends Character You SUMMON it you USE it LF SSJ3 Goku & SSJ2 Vegeta vs Nanogenix Dragon Ball Legends You SUMMON it you USE it Ultra Rose Goku Black vs Nanogenix Dragon Ball Legends You SUMMON it you USE it LF Ultra Instinct Goku vs Nanogenix Dragon Ball Legends You SUMMON it you USE it Ultra Hit vs Nanogenix Dragon Ball Legends You SUMMON it you USE it Ultra Gogeta Blue vs Nanogenix Dragon Ball Legends You SUMMON it you USE it LF Trunks and Vegeta vs Nanogenix Dragon Ball Legends You SUMMON it you USE it LF SSJ4 Goku and Vegeta vs Nanogenix Dragon Ball Legends