Your Manifestation Questions ANSWERED! (Law of Assumption) Q&A - (Neville Goddard)
This is the first part of a Q&A series I plan to do long-term on this channel. Leave a question down below and every new part I record, I will grab questions from comments and get through as many as I can in the next video. Law of assumption doesn't have to be a hard Law to apply and live by and it isn't as strict as you guys think. I intent this video helps every single one of you listening and I want to thank you for all the love and support. Note: At the end I talk about what books I recommend you all read outside of Neville Goddard stuff and I know a lot of you have been asking so there you go! For Coaching and testimonials: https://www.embodythestate.com/ #lawofassumption #lawofattraction #loa #nevillegoddard #realitycreation #manifestation