The Gospel of John 13. John 3:16-21: His Greatest Words (Part 2)

The Gospel of John 13. John 3:16-21: His Greatest Words (Part 2)

Learn from the Apostle John the greatest story every told, about the greatest man who ever lived: Jesus. More than just a man, Jesus is revealed as both God and Man in one person. Proven through His signs and revealed in His glory, John introduces all of humanity to the Savior of the World. elmgrovebaptistchurch1628. 1) The Greatest Verses. Jesus brings to a close his teaching concerning the new birth with the greatest verses in the Bible. He offers John 3:16 as an explanation for why and how God can so graciously redeem mankind to Himself. It is because: it Involves the greatest person, it follows the greatest truth, it includes the greatest act, it contains the greatest gift, it applies to the greatest number, it offers the greatest invitation, it holds the greatest promise, it provides the greatest certainty, and it reveals the greatest destiny. This message of good news will endure until the end, but we know that God has fixed a day in which Christ will return. 2) The Greatest Verdict. It is in light of the coming judgment that one can find the greatest verdict in the Bible: “He who believes in Him is not judged.” All of human history has a destiny that will end with the second coming of Christ. While He came the first time as savior of the world, He will return a second time as the great Judge of the world. But there is one group who will not be partakers in the judgement to come in the end, it is those who believe in the name of Jesus. Everyone else will stand before the Judge because they did not believe in the name of the Son of God. 3) The Greatest Assurance. Jesus declares that because of the new birth, there will be two kinds of people in the world until the end: those that do evil, and those that do truth. It is for the doers of truth that Jesus offers an assurance today that we may know we will be redeemed in the end: that our deeds will be seen by the world as having been done by God. Later in 1 John, John offers three ways that we can know we have been born again of God, simply by asking ourselves: What Do I Believe, How Do I Behave, and How Do I Love? We can have assurance leading to confidence before God because we can see evidence of His work in the transformation of our lives.