CA Foundation & CMA Inter | Company Accounts Revision - Pro Rata | CA Avinash Sancheti
#prorata #prorataissue #sharesrevision #CAfoundationaccounts #CMAfoundationaccounts #CMAinterdebenturesrevision In the above video, Avinash Sancheti sir has revised Pro Rata issue of CA Foundation & CMA Inter Accounting. The video is short and crisp which makes it perfect to watch the day before exam. Stay tuned for further chapters :-) For full series, Refer the link https://bit.ly/3i4glRi Download Navin Classes app from Playstore Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more video like this. You can also follow us on- Facebook- / navinclasses Instagram- / navin.classes16 #CA #CMA #ICAI #ICMAI #CAfoundationaccountsrevision #CMAfoundationaccountsrevision #Proratarevision #Prorata #cafoundationexams2020 #cmafoundationexams2020 #foundationaccountsrevisionseries #NavinClasses #CAAvinashsancheti #CMAInterpartnershiprevision #Cmainterevision