낮엔 해처럼 밤엔 달처럼Like the sun during the day, like the moon at night/찬양:금사랑시인Geum Sa-rang Poet
낮엔 해처럼 밤엔 달처럼Like the sun during the day, like the moon at night/찬양:금사랑시인Geum Sa-rang Poet
agb 낮엔 해처럼 밤엔 달처럼Like the sun during the day and the moon at night/찬양:금사랑시인(Soprano)
☀️낮엔 해처럼 밤엔 달처럼...Like the sun during the day and like the moon at night...#낮엔해처럼밤엔달처럼 #예수님 #jesus
낮엔 해처럼 밤엔 달처럼 Like the sun during the day, like the moon at night
낮엔 해처럼 밤엔 달처럼 by 호산나싱어즈
낮엔 해처럼 밤엔 달처럼
오직성경 Only the Bible 시편 Psalms 18:35~50 낮엔 해처럼 밤엔 달처럼 작사,곡:최용덕 찬양:소프라노금사랑시인
낮엔 해처럼, 밤엔 달처럼 - 소진영 인도 | 마커스워십 | Like the sun by day, like the moon by night
agb 예술인복음방송 [Genesis37:25~28/형제들의 음모의 실행/창37:25~28] Praise: Geum Sa Rang poet 낮엔 해처럼 밤엔 달처럼 금사랑시인
속초 바닷가에서/촬영:금선녀/낮엔 해처럼 밤엔 달처럼/찬양:금사랑시인(소프라노)
낮엔 해처럼, 밤엔 달처럼 - 소진영 인도 | 마커스워십 | Like the sun by day, like the moon by night
낮엔 해처럼 밤엔 달처럼(Like the Sun during the day, like the Moon) / 찬찬온에어
낮엔 해처럼 밤엔 달처럼 | Like The Sun During The Day, Like The Moon At Night | 찬양 커버 | 씨앗연구소🌱
낮엔 해처럼 밤엔 달처럼 Like the Sun in the Day, And the Moon at Night
Prayer Music [1시간] "낮엔 해 처럼 밤엔 달 처럼" Like the Sun during the day /새벽 기도/조용한 기도/묵상기도/집중 할 때 듣는 찬양
낮엔 해처럼 밤엔 달처럼 | 박하3남매
금사랑시인의 0시의 데이트 Poet Geum Sa-rang Date At Midnight
낮엔 해처럼 밤엔 달처럼 Like the sun during the day, Like the moon at night
agb 너예수께 조용히 나가You go out quietly to Jesus./찬송:금사랑시인(소프라노)Geum Sa-rang Poet
낮엔 해처럼 밤엔 달처럼ㅣLike The Sun During The Day, Like The Moon At Nightㅣ호연하다