Acidity during Pregnancy _ प्रेगनेंसी में सीने में जलन या खट्टी डकार क्यों आती है, कैसे ठीक करें ?
डॉ_रुजुता_राजगुरु DrRujutaRajguru #drrujutarajguru #drrajguru #pregnancy #heartburn #acidity #pregnancycare In this video, mam has explained about डॉ.ऋजुता राजगुरु मडम ने इस वीडियो में बताया है कि, प्रेगनेंसी में सिने में जलन, गॅस क्यों होती है,इसके क्या क्या कारण होते है,इसके साथ साथ ही प्रेगनेंसी में सीने में जलन के उपाय /इलाज या प्रेगनेंसी में एसिडिटी कैसे ठीक करें, ये भी मैडम ने बताया है...या प्रेगनेंसी में सीने में जलन या एसिडिटी से बचने के लिए क्या करना चाहिए इसके बारे में भी समझाया है। In this video,Dr.Rujuta Rajguru madam has explained about the most common problem in pregnancy that is acidity during pregnancy or Gastric reflux, or GI upset or acidity in pregnancy in hindi language ...She has explained about acidity or gas problem in pregnancy ,it's causes, acidity problem solution in pregnancy in very easy way....Acidity in pregnancy an also be cured with some age old home remedies but for acidity problem prevention is always better than cure. Heartburn in pregnancy or GERD in pregnant females, she has also explained that heartburn in pregnancy in 3rd trimester is most common problem,its causes,treatment and prevention explained in detail... Dr.Rujuta Rajguru madam ne is video me pregnancy me sine me jalan,sine me dard ya sine me khujli ke karan ,aur pregnancy me sine/seene me jalan ya sine me bharipan hona, ya pregnancy me sine ke niche dard hona,ya pregnancy me sine se pani aana,ya pregnancy me sine me jalan ka ilaj / upay bataya hai.... 👇You can also watch these videos👇 👉क्या प्रेगनेंसी में संबंध बनाना चाहिए? • Kya Pregnancy me Sex Karna Chahiye Ya... 👉बार बार गर्भपात का इलाज • #RecurrentMiscarriage Treatment/Inves... 👉बार बार गर्भपात के कारण • बार बार मिसकैरेज होने का कारण?Recurre... 👉Chandra grahan effect ( Q n A) • Chandra Grahan Effect on Pregnant Lad... 👉New Covid Vaccine Guidelines • New Guidelines Covid 19 India,Covid V... 👉Covid Vaccine in breastfeeding mothers • Covid Vaccine in Breastfeeding Mom In... 👉 Mucormycosis /Black Fungus in PostCovid patients • #Mucormycosis Symptoms in Hindi,Post ... 👉Covid Vaccine in Pregnancy • Covid Vaccine in Pregnancy and Lactat... 👉Corona vaccine during periods? • Corona Vaccine During Periods in Hind... 👉Vaginal Hygiene Do's & Dont's • Intimate Hygiene for Women-Do's & Don... 👉Side effects of contraceptive pills, Garbh nirodhak goli ke nuksan/side effects • Side effects of contraceptive pills, ... 👉Pregnancy me kela khana chahiye ya nahi? • Pregnancy me kela khana chahiye ya na... 👉EmergencyContraceptivePill • #EmergencyContraceptivePill In Hindi ... 👉Benefits of Apple during pregnancy • Benefits of Apple during pregnancy,||... 👉Successful implantation symptoms • Successful Implantation Symptoms in H... 👉Implantation process in pregnancy in detail • #ImplantationProcess in pregnancy in ... 👉How to get pregnant fast naturally👍 • How to Get Pregnant Fast Naturally, ज... 👉प्रेगनेंसी टेस्ट किट में हल्की गुलाबी लाइन का मतलब क्या होता है? • #FaintPinkLineOnPregnancyTest प्रेगने... 👉बच्चेदानी में गांठ का इलाज.... • बच्चेदानी में गांठ का इलाज और दवा,बच्... 👉बच्चेदानी में गांठ के 10 लक्षण और 4 कारण.. • #UterineFibroids Uterus fibroid in hi... Dr.Rujuta Rajguru (Obstetrician & Gynaecologist) Shri.Laxmi Maternity & Surgical Hospital Near Railway Station, Akot.Dist.Akola Maharashtra 444101 For any Query or Online Consultation Whatsapp on-9067571519 Facebook link :- / drrujutarajguru Instagram link :-https://instagram.com/dr_rujuta_rajgu... Twitter link :-https://twitter.com/RajguruRujuta?s=08