Mia is big on HONEY I SHRUNK THE KIDS (1989) Movie Reaction FIRST TIME WATCHING

Mia is big on HONEY I SHRUNK THE KIDS (1989) Movie Reaction FIRST TIME WATCHING

Honey, I Shrunk the Kids is a 1989 American science fiction comedy film. It is the first installment of a film franchise and served as the directorial debut of Joe Johnston. The film stars Rick Moranis, Matt Frewer, Marcia Strassman, and Kristine Sutherland. In the film, a struggling inventor accidentally shrinks his kids, along with the neighbors' kids, down to the size of a quarter-inch. After being accidentally thrown out with the trash, they must work together and venture their way back through a backyard wilderness filled with dangerous insects and man-made hazards. Hello everyone, welcome to Popcorn Roulette! We are a movie and television reaction channel featuring a dynamic roster of reactors including COBY, AMELIA, and JONATHAN along with CAMI, NICKI and NICOLETTE dropping in from time to time! Thank you for supporting us and we hope you have a good time here! For More Exclusive Content On Movies and TV Shows, and To Support Our Channel, Please Subscribe To Our Patreon at:   / popcornroulette   Social Media: Instagram:   / popcornroulettereactions   Twitter:   / p0pc0rnr0ulette   #HoneyIShrunktheKids #Reaction End Music by: Diego A. R. Delfino For business inquiries, product placements, and sponsorship collaborations, please contact us at info@popcornroulette.com.