6 Clear Signs Your Dua Is Being Accepted | Belal Assad

6 Clear Signs Your Dua Is Being Accepted | Belal Assad

Do you want to know if your Dua is being accepted? Here are six powerful signs that scholars mention as indications that Allah has answered your supplication. Even if you experience just one of these, it’s a positive sign, InshaAllah! 📌 Signs of Accepted Dua: 1️⃣ Uncontrollable tears – You feel an overwhelming urge to cry after making Dua. 2️⃣ Goosebumps – You experience shivers as a response to calling upon Allah. 3️⃣ Feeling of awe & inspiration – You sense guidance and clarity. 4️⃣ Inner peace & calmness – A feeling like a burden has been lifted. 5️⃣ Lightness in the heart – As if something heavy has been removed. 6️⃣ Increased Iman (faith) – Your connection with Allah deepens. 📖 The Prophet (ﷺ) taught us that Dua can even alter destiny! While some aspects of fate are unchangeable, other events can be influenced by sincere supplication. Your Dua fights against hardships and can prevent calamities before they reach you. So never stop making Dua! SECRET to Getting Your Du'a Accepted - Ust. Abu Taymiyyah, 6 Signs your Dua is accepted, how Allah accepted ALL my dua' with one small change, #islamicvideo #dua #islamicmotivation #islamiclectures