How to Set Boundaries With a Critical Mom - Terri Cole
How Do I Deal With A Critical Mother? “I love my mother but she is constantly being critical. Critical of my cleaning, cooking and child rearing skills and always mentions how she didn’t pursue her dream of being an ophthalmologist because she stopped to have children.” Watch this quick vid for multiple boundary scripts to manage Mother guilt, blame and LOVINGLY (but firmly) ward off unwanted criticism and advice. 🔥 If this resonates, I invite you to check out my course, Understand & Transform Your Mother Wound: https://terricole.com/mother-wound-co... ABOUT TERRI COLE Terri Cole is a licensed psychotherapist, global relationship and empowerment expert, and the author of Boundary Boss-The Essential Guide to Talk True, Be Seen and (Finally) Live Free. For over two decades, Terri has worked with a diverse group of clients that includes everyone from stay-at-home moms to celebrities and Fortune 500 CEOs. She has a gift for making complex psychological concepts accessible and actionable so that clients and students achieve sustainable change. She inspires over 450,000 people weekly through her blog, social media platform, signature courses, and her popular podcast, The Terri Cole Show. For more, see https://www.terricole.com/ CONNECT ON SOCIAL Instagram: https://terricole.com/ig FB Page: https://terricole.com/fb Podcast: https://terricole.com/itunes Boundary Boss Book: https://boundarybossbook.com/ #motherwound #boundaries #healthyboundaries