#1 Best Meal To Clean Out Your Arteries - Dr. Irfan Azeem
Today I’m going to tell you #1 best meal to clean out your arteries Timestamps 0:00 How to clean arteries naturally 1:10 endothelial layer explained 1:30 The best meal to clean out your arteries 2:52 Nitric oxide 3:30 vitamin d and clogged arteries 3:52 Vitamin k2 and clogged arteries 4:05 Food that unclog arteries 4:20 Food to avoid in clogged arteries The endothelial layer is the innermost layer of your arteries. It controls blood pressure, acts as a filter, prevents clots, and supports immune function. The inside of your arteries is very susceptible to problems with insulin. Most people have insulin resistance, which is caused by chronic carbohydrate consumption and constant snacking. Nitric oxide relaxes the blood vessels and is vital for the health of the endothelial layer of the arteries. Vitamin D triggers nitric oxide, which is why many people who are low in vitamin D also have high blood pressure. Arginine, testosterone, and magnesium also trigger nitric oxide. Vitamin D and magnesium can help prevent calcium from building up in the arteries, Vitamin D3 is vital for a healthy heart. Sunlight is the best source, but you may need to take a supplement in the winter. Take at least 5000 ,10,000 IU daily as a maintenance dose vitamin K2 also helps to prevent calcium buildup. Foods like whole grains and seed oils are deemed “heart healthy,” but they spike insulin. We’re also told to avoid saturated fats because of the cholesterol content. There’s a lot of false information regarding a diet that’s truly healthy for your heart. The best meal to clean your arteries would involve foods that don’t spike insulin. A low-carb ketogenic diet is best for your heart. Vitamin D3 is vital for a healthy heart. Sunlight is the best source, but you may need to take a supplement in the winter. Take at least 5000 .. 10,000 IU daily as a maintenance dose. Your Queries:- #1 best meal to clean out your arteries the best meal to clear out your arteries waht to eat to clean out your arteries eat these foods ti clear arteries fast food to clean arteries clean arteries quickly clean arteries naturally khoon ki nalion ki safayee dr irfan azeem Video Related Tags:- #heart #health #foods #drirfanazeem #fasting #insulinresistance #ketodiet #keto #weightloss #ketolifestyle #lowcarbdiet __________________________________ 🔔 SUBSCRIBE MY YouTube Channel / @dr.irfanazeem INSTAGRAM Account / doctorirfanazeem ___________ Disclaimer: "This video was created for educational purposes and should not be used as a substitute for medical advice