Homily By Fr Benigno Beltran SVD - June 27 2022  Monday 13th Week in Ordinary Time

Homily By Fr Benigno Beltran SVD - June 27 2022 Monday 13th Week in Ordinary Time

Live 6:00 PM Holy Mass - June 27 2022 Monday 13th Week in Ordinary Time Online Mass Schedules -- Weekday (Daily) Mass - 6:30 AM & 6 PM; Sunday Masses - 8AM, 10 AM & 4PM at the Diocesan Shrine of Jesus the Divine Word FOR MASS INTENTIONS: www.bit.ly/shrineintentions FOR SPECIAL MASSES: www.bit.ly/specialonlinemass We implore God for honest and truthful government in our country, for an end to violence in many conflict areas around the world, and guidance and wisdom for all leaders of government and business. With the Divine Word Missionaries of Christ the King Mission Seminary, Quezon City, Philippines.