Bible, KJV, Isaiah 56 66, Recorded On Down to Earth But Heavenly Minded Podcast
The KJV Bible. It has been said, that a low percentage of Christian have read through the complete Bible. In this series I am making it easy for you to go throught the entire Bible much faster. You can do this by listening to it, and following along with the text. I am doing this with the KJV because there are many Christians that like this version. The only thing I disliked about using a digital voice, even though it sounded good, every time it came to ";)" it would say, "wink·y face" Below you will find how I have divided each video. Genesis has 5 videos. Time is about 4 hours 30 mintues Exodus has 4 videos, Time is about 3 hours Leviticus has 3 videos, Time is about 2 hours 20 minutes Numbers has 3 videos, Time is about 3 hours 20 minutes Deuteronomy 3 videos, Time is about 2 hours 30 minutes Joshua 2 videos, Time is about 1 hour 45 minutes Judges 2 videos, Time is about 1 hour 50 minutes Ruth 1 video, Time is about 15 Minutes 1 Samuel 3 videos, Time in about 2 hours 30 minutes 2 Samuel 2 videos, Time is about 2 hours 1 Kings 2 videos, Time is about 2 hours 18 minutes 2 Kings 2 videos, Time is about 2 hours 15 minutes 1 Chronicles 3 videos, Time is about 2 hours 15 minutes 2 Chronicles 3 videos, Time is about 2 hours 30 minutes Ezra 1 video, Time is about 45 minutes Nehemiah 1 video, Time is about 1 hour 5 minutes Esther 1 video, Time is about 32 minutes Job 3 videos, Time is about 1 hour 50 minutes Psalms 5 videos, Time is about 3 hours 54 minutes Proverbs 2 videos, Time is about 1 hour 32 minutes Ecclesiastes 1 video, Time is about 31 minutes Song of Solomon 1 video, Time is about 17 minutes Isaiah 6 videos, Time is about 3 hour 35 minutes You will find a break at ever chapter so you can jump to the chapter you want to listen too. ____________________________________________________ 00:00:00 #1. Isaiah 56 KJV Bible 00:02:22 #2. Isaiah 57 KJV Bible 00:05:38 #3. Isaiah 58 KJV Bible 00:08:32 #4. Isaiah 59 KJV Bible 00:12:02 #5. Isaiah 60 KJV Bible 00:15:46 #6. Isaiah 61 KJV Bible 00:17:54 #7. Isaiah 62 KJV Bible 00:19:56 #8. Isaiah 63 KJV Bible 00:23:01 #9. Isaiah 64 KJV Bible 00:24:55 #10. Isaiah 65 KJV Bible 00:29:04 #11. Isaiah 65 KJV Bible ____________________________________________________