Bible, KJV, Isaiah 56 66, Recorded On Down to Earth But Heavenly Minded Podcast

Bible, KJV, Isaiah 56 66, Recorded On Down to Earth But Heavenly Minded Podcast

The KJV Bible. It has been said, that a low percentage of Christian have read through the complete Bible. In this series I am making it easy for you to go throught the entire Bible much faster. You can do this by listening to it, and following along with the text. I am doing this with the KJV because there are many Christians that like this version. The only thing I disliked about using a digital voice, even though it sounded good, every time it came to ";)" it would say, "wink·y face" Below you will find how I have divided each video. Genesis has 5 videos. Time is about 4 hours 30 mintues Exodus has 4 videos, Time is about 3 hours Leviticus has 3 videos, Time is about 2 hours 20 minutes Numbers has 3 videos, Time is about 3 hours 20 minutes Deuteronomy 3 videos, Time is about 2 hours 30 minutes Joshua 2 videos, Time is about 1 hour 45 minutes Judges 2 videos, Time is about 1 hour 50 minutes Ruth 1 video, Time is about 15 Minutes 1 Samuel 3 videos, Time in about 2 hours 30 minutes 2 Samuel 2 videos, Time is about 2 hours 1 Kings 2 videos, Time is about 2 hours 18 minutes 2 Kings 2 videos, Time is about 2 hours 15 minutes 1 Chronicles 3 videos, Time is about 2 hours 15 minutes 2 Chronicles 3 videos, Time is about 2 hours 30 minutes Ezra 1 video, Time is about 45 minutes Nehemiah 1 video, Time is about 1 hour 5 minutes Esther 1 video, Time is about 32 minutes Job 3 videos, Time is about 1 hour 50 minutes Psalms 5 videos, Time is about 3 hours 54 minutes Proverbs 2 videos, Time is about 1 hour 32 minutes Ecclesiastes 1 video, Time is about 31 minutes Song of Solomon 1 video, Time is about 17 minutes Isaiah 6 videos, Time is about 3 hour 35 minutes You will find a break at ever chapter so you can jump to the chapter you want to listen too. ____________________________________________________ 00:00:00 #1. Isaiah 56 KJV Bible 00:02:22 #2. Isaiah 57 KJV Bible 00:05:38 #3. Isaiah 58 KJV Bible 00:08:32 #4. Isaiah 59 KJV Bible 00:12:02 #5. Isaiah 60 KJV Bible 00:15:46 #6. Isaiah 61 KJV Bible 00:17:54 #7. Isaiah 62 KJV Bible 00:19:56 #8. Isaiah 63 KJV Bible 00:23:01 #9. Isaiah 64 KJV Bible 00:24:55 #10. Isaiah 65 KJV Bible 00:29:04 #11. Isaiah 65 KJV Bible ____________________________________________________