댕댕이 일상님 던지기! (#do it for the vine simulator)#shorts
김서윤님 날리기!! (Do it for the vine simulator)#shorts
jh B님 날리기 ㅋㅋㅋ (Do it for the vine simulator)#shorts
로블 시청자 던지기(do it for the vine)
망했는 망고님 날리기! (#Do it for the vine simulator)#shorts
스카이님 날려드리기! (#Do it for the vine simulator)#shorts
smil cutely ×-×님 날리기 ㅋㅋㅋ (Do it for the vine simulator)#shorts
소떡 호떡님 날려드리기! (#do it for the vine simulator)#shorts
메리_H님 날리기 (와 날리기 오랜만이네)#do it for the vine simulator #shorts
싸지다님 날려보내기! (#Do it for the vine simulator)#shorts